Desura Thanks to some solid help (from feillyne and protektor), Flare is now available through Desura! (Release announcement) If you’re just discovering Flare through Desura, welcome! I started F.L.A.R.E (Free/Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) 3 years ago to create a great
Dungeon Doors Continuing the theme of updating the really old Dungeon Tile Set. For the longest time I couldn’t figure out a good way (artistically and technically) to mark exits on maps. Since very early version of Flare we’ve been
v0.17 Dates There will be a String Freeze at the end of the day this Friday, September 21st. This means that no new or changed translated strings will be accepted, so that translators can perform their work. If you are
Separate Engine and Game Repos It’s time to separate Flare into two repos: Engine and Game. But exactly how to do that is unclear. Apologies ahead of time: I’m going to butcher git terminology here. We want just the engine
Ethics in Game Design: Respecting the Player’s Time [Cross-post from a thread on OpenGameArt] My opinion is going to be controversial here, but it’s worth sharing. There are things that players love, that are addicting, but are poor game design.
Dungeon Stairs I’ve been planning several key additions to Flare’s core tile sets — we want game designers to have the proper assets to create interesting maps. This weekend I created these Dungeon Stairs: Here are some various thoughts on
Bastion This weekend I was tempted to run out and purchase Guild Wars 2, but decided to stay in and give some love to my Steam library instead. In particular, I finally took the time to play through most of,
The art of removing features Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Terre des Hommes, 1939). [It seems that
Making Omelets There’s an English idiom: “you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet”. It means that to make something, often it requires destroying something else. We’re doing heavy refactoring of the Flare engine right now. Part
Tile Set improvements The current 3 tile sets will get some love and polish before we start making final maps. If you have ideas on what tiles we can add to these sets, please share them!