Rings part 2 (Art Preview) Here are four more rings for the collection (click here to view part 1). I think I’ll add in some basic bands and upload the set to Open Game Art. gold ouroboros ring gold and
The Practicality of CC-BY-SA for Game Art I’ve been going back and forth on some thoughts about Creative Commons licenses for games, especially free/libre games. With license choice there tends to be a divide between ideals and pragmatics. Here’s a
Rings (Art Preview) Working on some 3D rings to use as inventory icons. I have plans for about 8 rings, but I may add more as I get good ideas. silver ring with a celtic design gold wrap ring steel
New Icons and Items I just pushed an update to flare-game that adds new icons and resets the entire items file. Fair warning: All your delicious loots will disappear if you update from flare-game! This is basically a point-of-no-return for
Armor Icons Now that armor is divided into more slots, we need to introduce new icons to represent all those pieces. The leather chest and steel chest are carried over from the previous icon set, which were made by Blarumyrran.
Item Ideas Have item ideas for Flare (the game)? Share them in the comments. Rather than give the same mundane stats to each item slot, I’m leaning towards having an item slot affinity. Boots will tend to have bonuses that