Title Menu I’ve added a basic title menu. Along with this I created a semi-generic button class (buttons that are all the same size) which I’ll reuse on the other main menus. The buttons look great and use Lamoot’s interface
Flare Wiki I set up a Wiki for Flare. I have it open to anyone right now. I’m collecting story ideas for the first Flare game. If you have ideas for areas, quests, bosses, NPCs, etc. please post them!
No Rest for the Wicked v0.14 is ambitious. Let’s take a look. Title Menu The first attempt at a title menu will be completely simple. New class MenuTitle, child of GameSwitcher Centered image/logo on black background Bottom-center: buttons for Play,
Flare v0.13 released – “Quests” Flare now supports quests! This release marks a major leap forward for the story-telling capability of the engine. NPC questgivers can send players on quests and give rewards on completion. Quests can also involve finding
Testing for v0.13 I plan to release v0.13 soon. Over the last couple days I improved the Log menu to display help/reminder text for active quests. The new tabbed interface for the Log menu is also ready for achievements and
Windows test for r359 Here is an out-of-band test release for Flare (for Windows folks). This release is for players interesting in trying the new Quest system. I’ve added a short quest chain that covers a few of the current
Quest Chain The first quest chain is added to Flare in r353. It walks players through Averguard Keep. Heroes must defeat the bosses of four areas of the Keep; meanwhile they learn a bit about the history of the keep
CampaignManager v0.13 has a new class called CampaignManager that I’m using to store the progress of the current story. Essentially it is a collection of strings. Various parts of the game engine can read/write these strings to create some persistence
NPC Me Open Game Art has a new weekly challenge coordinator. User kurtisevan has taken over for me, after I started and ran the contest for one year. The first new challenge: Get in the Game!, where you create a
Contributions On Hold I’ve been overwhelmed lately by the amount of interest in Flare. For now I’m asking that code/art contributions be put on hold. My personal/professional life is absolutely full for the next few weeks. If stand-alone art or